DO NOT DRINK AND DRIVE. Select a shuttle and a seat will be reserved regardless of pick up or drop off stop in your town. We also have 24 hour parking in areas for those left overnight. We have a hop on shuttle at the end of the night as well, but best to reserve as there may be long wait times.
Aug 16, 2025, 12:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
DOC LEWIS PARK, 9740 Elm St | Chemainus
Chemainus Shuttle – FREE
NO TICKET NEEDED Boarding: CANADIAN CRAFT TOURS BUS HOP ON HOP OFF 12:00 - 2:30 All locations roving pick up every 15 minutes - see map online 5:30 - 6:30 All locations every 30 minutes *FREE OVERNIGHT PARKING IN OVERNIGHT LOT (See details)
CA$0.00FESTIVAL: Duncan - Early
One way ticket to festival Boarding: THE COMMUNITY ACTION BUS Boarding location are as follows and are your choice: #1) 11:30 Duncan Pick Up outside London Drugs #2) 11:40 Duncan Pick Up outside of Beverly Corners Liquor Store #3) 11:50 Duncan Pick Up outside of Extra Storage Now ARRIVE: 12:10 at festival grounds
CA$16.00+CA$0.40 service feeRETURN: Duncan - Early
One way ticket to point of origin Boarding: THE COMMUNITY ACTION BUS Shuttle leaves early at 5:10 PM promptly from the Festival. If you are not on the shuttle, your ticket will be void without reinbursement as the shuttle will leave without you. DO NOT DRINK AND DRIVE. NO EXCEPTIONS. There is NO parking on-site for a reason, we encourage you to take the shuttles or have a secondary mode of transportation.
CA$16.00+CA$0.40 service feeFESTIVAL: Duncan - Later
One way ticket to festival Boarding: THE COMMUNITY ACTION BUS Boarding location are as follows and are your choice: #1) 12:50 Duncan Pick Up outside London Drugs #2) 1:00 Duncan Pick Up outside of Beverly Corners Liquor Store #3) 1:10 Duncan Pick Up outside of Extra Storage Now ARRIVE: 1:30 at festival grounds
CA$16.00+CA$0.40 service feeRETURN: Duncan - Later
One way ticket to point of origin Boarding: THE COMMUNITY ACTION BUS Shuttle leaves late at 6:10 PM promptly from the Festival. If you are not on the shuttle, your ticket will be void without reinbursement as the shuttle will leave without you. DO NOT DRINK AND DRIVE. NO EXCEPTIONS. There is NO parking on-site for a reason, we encourage you to take the shuttles or have a secondary mode of transportation.
CA$16.00+CA$0.40 service feeFESTIVAL:Crofton/Maple/Cow Bay
One way ticket to festival Boarding: MYGO TOURS Boarding location are as follows and are your choice: #1) 11:50 Cowichan Bay pick up at Hecate Park (1845 Cowichan Bay Rd) #2) 12:10 Maple Bay Pick Up across from Maple Bay Park (960 Herd Rd) #3) 12:30 Crofton Pick Up at Crofton Boardwalk Parking Lot (1524 Joan Ave) ARRIVE: 12:40 at festival grounds
CA$16.00+CA$0.40 service feeRETURN:Crofton/Maple/Cow Bay
One way ticket from the festival to Crofton/Maple Bay/Cowichan Bay. Boarding: MyGoTours Shuttle leaves at 6:10 PM promptly from the Festival. If you are not on the shuttle, your ticket will be void without reinbursement as the shuttle will leave without you. DO NOT DRINK AND DRIVE. NO EXCEPTIONS. There is NO parking on-site for a reason, we encourage you to take the shuttles or have a secondary mode of transportation.
CA$16.00+CA$0.40 service feeFESTIVAL: Ladysmith/Saltair
One way ticket to festival Boarding: THE COMMUNITY ACTION BUS Boarding location are as follows and are your choice: #1) 11:30 Ladysmith Pick Up: Bus Stop outside of Country Grocer (on 1st Avenue) #2) 11:40 Ladysmith Pick Up: Save On Foods Parking Lot at (370 Trans-Canada Hwy) #3) 11:50 Saltair Pick Up: Saltair Pub (10519 Knight Rd) ARRIVE: 12:00 at festival grounds
CA$16.00+CA$0.40 service feeRETURN: Ladysmith/Saltair
One way ticket to point of origin Boarding: THE COMMUNITY ACTION BUS Shuttle leaves at 6:10 PM promptly from the Festival. If you are not on the shuttle, your ticket will be void without reinbursement as the shuttle will leave without you. DO NOT DRINK AND DRIVE. NO EXCEPTIONS. There is NO parking on-site for a reason, we encourage you to take the shuttles or have a secondary mode of transportation. Please refer to the parking map if you intend to drive. FREE overnight parking.
CA$16.00+CA$0.40 service feeFESTIVAL: Nanaimo/Cedar
One way ticket to festival Boarding: THE COMMUNITY ACTION BUS Boarding location are as follows and are your choice: #1) 10:40 Nanaimo Pick Up at Tesla Charge Station to the left of Chapters (by Woodgrove Mall) #2) 11:00 Nanaimo Pick Up at Country Grocery at (82 Twelfth St, Cedar) ARRIVE: 12:00 at festival grounds
CA$24.00+CA$0.60 service feeRETURN: Nanaimo/Cedar
One way ticket return to point of origin Boarding: THE COMMUNITY ACTION BUS Shuttle leaves at 6:10 PM promptly from the Festival If you are not on the shuttle, your ticket will be void without reinbursement as the shuttle will leave without you. DO NOT DRINK AND DRIVE. NO EXCEPTIONS. There is NO parking on-site for a reason, we encourage you to take the shuttles or have a secondary mode of transportation. Please refer to the parking map if you intend to drive. FREE overnight parking.
CA$24.00+CA$0.60 service fee

Running from Nanaimo, Duncan, Crofton, Cow Bay, Saltair, Ladysmith, and around Chemainus.
No one under the age of 19 is permitted, no exceptions such as infants. ID checks.
Buy tokens at our onsite token office, purchase additional tokens online when purchasing tickets, or NEW during the festival.
Free parking available around town and at our parking lots (with shuttle). Space is limited as we prefer you shuttle or cab it.
Absolutely! We are on a field, but it is nice and flat, plus we have washroom facilities
to accommodate.
Once ticket is purchased it can not be returned or refunded.
Drinking responsibly is the #1 requirement. Do NOT drink and drive under any circumstance.
Harassment/bullying/violence will not be tolerated. You will be asked to leave without refund.
NOTE: Vendor shown as
MINDSAI CREATIVE on Payment Statement